Tuesday, December 1, 2009

It's Offical! Pres. Obama destroys his Presidency by continuning Bush's Wars....enough speeches End the Dam Wars!!!

COMMENT: Time to quit Afghanistan? —Mohammad Jamil

President Barack Obama is facing a big dilemma. If he continues with the policy of former President Bush vis-à-vis 'staying the course' in Afghanistan, he is in for a drubbing not only by the American public but also by the leaders of his own party

According to the latest opinion polls, a majority of Americans oppose sending more troops to Afghanistan and a majority of Republicans and Democrats do not think the war is worth fighting at all. A poll released on Saturday revealed that a growing number of Britons also want their troops out of Afghanistan within 12 months. Some 71 percent of those questioned said they would back a phased withdrawal of British forces leading to an end to combat operations within 12 months. A total of 232 British personnel have lost their lives in Afghanistan since 2001. A NATO commander has suggested that the key to stemming casualties and achieving military success was not more helicopters but a strategy to win the hearts and minds of the local people by getting out into their communities. Recent events in Afghanistan led many to believe that the war is not winnable.

Since its ignominious defeat in Vietnam, the US seemed to have learnt the art of 'how not to win a war'. In Iraq the US made blunders. Had the US not purged Baath Party loyalists indiscriminately from the army and administration, it would have been able to control the situation within a shorter time. In Afghanistan, the majority Pushtuns were pushed against the wall and the result was that after eight years the US, NATO and Afghan forces could not control more than 30 percent of Afghanistan, whereas 70 percent of Afghanistan is still beyond the writ of Kabul.

In response to Secretary of Defence Robert Gates' Memorandum of June 25, 2009, Commander NATO/ISAF General Stanley McChrystal had submitted his comprehensive report on August 31, 2009, in which he had demanded an increase of at least 40,000 troops if the war was to be won. Part of the report was leaked. His disagreement with the government did not evoke much of a furore, but he was criticised when he delivered a speech at the International Institute of Strategic Studies London, giving a detailed account of events and reasons for the failure in Afghanistan. He rejected calls for the war effort to be scaled down from defeating the Taliban insurgency to a narrower focus on hunting down al Qaeda, arguably ensconced in Pakistan, an option suggested by Vice President Joe Biden as part of the current White House strategy review. He rejected proposals to switch to a strategy more reliant on drone missile strikes and Special Forces operations against al Qaeda. He had gone to the extent of saying that the formula favoured by Vice President Joe Biden would lead to "Chaos-istan". full story

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