Make A Quality Product
If the first time you hear your finished song and you have to convince yourself that its "OK" and you not jumping up and down with excitement, throw it out, yea that's right start over. If You can't convince yourself its the best song out how do you expect to make someone else believe it is. You are always going to be your biggest critic.

Get Heard
There's no simple solution to this basically exhaust every avenue possible. Shows at local clubs, MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, the many music dedicated web communities, and even passing your cd out on the street. If you actually have the talent or even something catchy SOMEONE will notice and it wont be long until people come looking for you instead of the other way around.
Once you've created a decent buzz get legal and professional representation to further your own professional growth. Without it chances of getting taken advantage of are higher. Plus most labels don't accept unsolicited material (content not negotiated with reputable manager). ALWAYS record any monetary transactions and have it signed by both parties.
Make sure all CD's have a label and look professional (first impression is everything). Make a press kit containing bio, events, and anything else possible to present yourself in an enticing manner in the labels eyes.

Keep promoting just as before but now start your demo submissions to major record labels. Just a quick search on Google you can find the address, emails, and even phone numbers to some of the best labels.
Don't be modest, its your JOB to convince everyone the NEED to listen to you. If you don't have the persistence and backbone to take denial then this is not for you. Keep your fans up to date if all they hear is the same thing all the time they will lose interest so keep your content fresh without giving them too much. You want to have songs on reserve to show a variety and to keep your audience be willing to pay for more.

Have Someone that understands the legal terms on any contract to aid you in the negotiation. Most standard contracts have so many loop holes it can screw you in the end.
Remember: Any tips given here all depend on YOUR work ethic there is no miracle way to get signed it takes hard work and determination as well.
Hope this helps!
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