Tuesday, November 3, 2009

"SAGGIN" The Fashion Statement that won't go away....becomes a Legal Issue

The Fashion Trend that started in the JAILS of America, will now get you thrown in Jail in more and more Cities across the Country.
Many municipalities in various states across the country have considered passing laws banning sagging pants. Some of the proposed laws or resolutions came with penalties followed by possible jail time for repeat offenses. Outside of the legal arena, even Turner concedes that some people probably judge him for his sagging attire. A closer examination of the trend illuminates a number of factors contributing to this ongoing very public display of potential indecency.

Police Target Saggers
Police Target Saggers
If you plan on traveling to Lynwood, Chicago, be careful. If you get caught wearing sagging pants than most likely you would be fined $25. The leaders have passed an ordinance that would levy $25 against anyone showing three inches or more of their underwear in public settings.


The practice of wearing low-slung, baggy or sagging trousers is thought to have begun in US prisons. Inmates were issued with ill-fitting clothes and denied belts due to fears over use as weapons or suicide aids.
The practice of wearing low-slung, baggy or sagging trousers is thought to have begun in US prisons. Inmates were issued with ill-fitting clothes and denied belts due to fears over use as weapons or suicide aids.
full story

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